Sam Saguy, HUJI: Be close to consumer wishes in food production

17 мая 2019 г.
Маркетинг, реклама, PR

Nowadays we are looking at completely new consumer, — said Sam Saguy, a professor of Food Innovation and Technology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI, Israil). He gave an exclusive interview to JSON.TV during his visit to Russia. Prof. Saguy was invited by Research Center Biruch (EFKO Group) to discuss the possible collaboration in the development of innovations for food industry. One of his research interests is the innovation in food production with focus on customer experience. He talked to managers of the Research Center.

The main purpose of my visit was to learn where they are to provide them with strategic recommendations, — said Saguy. The expert believes that it is very important in food production to change the way of thinking because consumers are changing.

While watching this video you will learn what makes today consumer different. Saguy also explained the meaning of food engineering emphasizing the different aspects of the term. In particularly he reminded that the food is not only the source of energy but also something that brings pleasure. Prof. Saguy coined a new term ‘engionomics’ that represents a new concept of innovations in food engineering. He explained the main points of this concept.

The speaker also told about the future of big food brands as well as small and middle companies within the context of the development of technological innovations. He also expressed his opinion about what prevents food engineering from growth, defined the current status of food engineering worldwide, and named the countries that are the main drivers of innovations in food production. To conclude, professor is sure that traditional approaches in food production should be reconsidered since the food became more sophisticated.

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